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Clipboard storage application

You can use only one content with default clipboard in computer. With application below, you will have more than one content of clipboard.

Summary introduction

Main screen of Clipboard storage application
Main screen of Clipboard storage application.

Here you can view clipboards that has been automatically collected. You can change order, delete clipboard or transfer clipboard between storage and history. Remember choose using mode and active / disable auto collect at the bottom.

Note: In storage, double click on clipboard to use it.

Config screen
Config screen.

Then you press the hotkey to set data in clipboard of computer and use normally.

Note: In Define hotkey dialog, move mouse cursor on button with keyboard icon to get detail.

Download and install

Attention: Before using, you must check that your computer has Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime version 3.5 or higher. If your computer doesn't have one, you can use the link below:

This is a portable application, means you just need to run the EXE file and use immediately. Here is the download link: Clipboard storage application.


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