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Matchstick puzzle

Matchsticks can be arranged in simple mathematical expressions. However most of them are wrong. Move a few matchsticks to make them right. If you can't find the answer, we have a function to help you find the answer. You can find more similar kind of this puzzle on the Internet, then go back here and play.

Some puzzles

Matchstick puzzle (1st)
Move 1 matchsticks to make it right.
Matchstick puzzle (2nd)
Move 2 matchsticks to make it right.
Matchstick puzzle (3rd)
Move 3 matchsticks to make it right.

Let take some time to think before using the hint below.

Limit of the hint that we provide

The limit is as follows:

  • Move matchsticks only within the specified range. Do not add or remove matchsticks.

    Specified range of matchsticks

  • Valid numbers.

    Valid numbers of matchsticks

Of course these things are out of scope:

  • Use not equal symbol.

    The answer is out of scope (1st)

  • Plus and equal symbol are not in the origin position.

    The answer is out of scope (2nd)

  • Use additional numbers.

    The answer is out of scope (3rd)

Time to use hint. Go to Matchsticks puzzle tool.


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